Breast milk or formula? It’s a personal choice only you can make. At Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN), we promise to give you personal attention and respect as you make decisions to support your growing baby.

Your health care team will give you the information you need to make a fully informed choice. They also will share recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and others who recommend breastfeeding during an infant’s first six months. After that, experts recommend breast milk along with solid foods for the first year or more.

Breastfeeding offers many benefits. Breast milk is perfectly balanced nutrition that doesn’t require heating bottles or expensive formula. It also promotes a special bond between you and your baby. No matter what feeding option you choose, our experienced nursing staff is here to help. They will teach you how to recognize your baby’s hunger cues and help with positioning and latching during your first feedings.

Some women adapt to breastfeeding quickly. Others may need more options and support as they become comfortable with their baby’s feeding routine.

We're Baby Friendly

Lehigh Valley Hospital–Cedar Crest and Lehigh Valley Hospital–Muhlenberg were named Baby-Friendly Hospitals by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The distinction recognizes our commitment to helping mothers who choose to breastfeed attain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to initiate and sustain breastfeeding for the optimal health and nutrition of their infant.

Preparing for birth and beyond

LVHN offers many resources to help you prepare for the birth of your baby. We offer prenatal and baby-care classes led by certified instructors, and breastfeeding support groups that offer professional guidance, peer support and friendship.

To learn about more classes, workshops and support groups, click here.

Our lactation team

LVHN’s specially educated lactation consultants are internationally board-certified lactation consultants (IBCLC), a designation that signifies the highest level of knowledge and skill for routine and high-risk lactation care. An IBCLC consultant or lactation counselor will provide education, support and guidance in the hospital and once you go home.

With proper education and support, most moms will be able to successfully breastfeed their babies. Whether you choose to breast or bottle-feed your baby, our lactation team will support your decision and help you and your newborn get off to a safe and successful start.

Inpatient consultants

Our inpatient consultants will educate you about the benefits of breastfeeding while you are in the hospital. No matter how you choose to feed your baby, they will provide the support and education you need to get the very best start for breast or bottle-feeding your infant.

Outpatient consultants

Our outpatient consultants and counselors provide support to patients of LVPG Pediatrics and LVPG Family Medicine practices. Mothers who indicate a preference for breastfeeding will receive a phone call from a consultant once they are discharged home. Lactation consultants and counselors work with families to give them breastfeeding support in the office or over the phone.

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Children aren’t little adults. Our second opinion service can help you feel confident in your child’s care.

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