Is Acid Reflux Making you Miserable?

The burning sensation you feel during acid reflux is caused when a muscular valve at the top of your stomach fails to close properly, causing stomach acid to flow back up into your chest and throat via the esophagus. Without treatment, severe acid reflux can lead to esophagus damage (called Barrett’s esophagus).

Lehigh Valley leaders in reflux

The Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) reflux team offers an array of treatments for acid reflux disease (also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD). Our experienced gastroenterologists and general surgeons can help you choose the best reflux treatment for you. When you download our free guide, you’ll learn more about your options, which may include:

  • Medications for acid reflux and heartburn
  • Diet and lifestyle changes, which may help with managing your symptoms
  • State-of-the-art surgery, if nonsurgical approaches don’t bring enough relief
  • Hiatal hernia treatment, for a condition that sometimes occurs along with acid reflux

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Acid reflux treatment at LVHN

Our gastroenterologists offer complete care for getting acid reflux under control.

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Top reflux doctors

Top reflux doctors

We’re proud to be home to some of the best gastroenterologists in the region.

Medication therapy

Medication therapy

Our knowledgeable team explains how to use reflux medications safely and correctly.

Convenient access

Convenient access

You can find a gastroenterologist near you at locations throughout the network.

Less invasive surgery

Less invasive surgery

If you need reflux surgery, our team includes skilled surgeons who use the latest techniques.

Know your treatment options

Learn more about reflux treatments in our free downloadable guide.