Medical Staff Services
Welcome to Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Medical Staff Services Resource Center
Partnering Quality Providers with our Patients.
Medical Staff Services (MSS) is responsible for credentialing members of the Medical and Allied Health Professional (AHP) staffs. The credentialing process includes a series of activities designed to collect relevant data that will serve as the basis for decisions regarding appointments and reappointments, as well as delineation of clinical privileges for individual members of the Medical or AHP staffs.
Our team provides support to Medical Staff leadership and the various committees and functions of the organized Medical and AHP staffs, which consist of over 1,900 physicians, dentists and podiatrists, and over 1,400 allied health professionals. These healthcare providers collectively serve the communities of the Lehigh Valley, Hazleton, Schuylkill, Pocono, Dickson City and Carbon.
Through this website, you will be able to access valuable information such as Leadership, Committee and Directory lists, a Telephone Hotlist*, links to the Medical Staff Bylaws* and Medical Staff Progress Notes*, and more. Our office is located at Lehigh Valley Health Network’s One City Center administrative offices in downtown Allentown (map & directions).
Click here to meet our Medical Staff Services Team
*Please log into the LVHN Employee Network to access