Showing 1 - 10 of 14 Services and Treatments


Advanced Spine Center

The Advanced Spine Center at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) is a convenient service that helps people find the treatment they need for back pain relief. Whether you need rehabilitation (physical therapy), physiatry, pain management, or spine surgery, we provide the care you need for neck and back pain.

Aquatic Therapy

For some conditions, physical therapy on land may be too difficult or cause an increase in pain. When this happens your physician may recommend aquatic based therapy. Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) offers aquatic therapy to help you heal while taking pressure off your bones and joints.

General Orthopedics

Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) specializes in treating a variety of general orthopedic conditions. We help people of all ages overcome orthopedic issues and get moving again.

Head, Neck and Spine Care

Injuries or conditions affecting the head, neck or spine can lead to complications such as chronic pain or a decreased ability to move. Specialists from the Advanced Spine Center and Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute help you recover while managing pain. We also offer a dedicated concussion program and surgical expertise if needed.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

If your rehabilitation requires more intensive care, the inpatient rehab programs at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) may be right for you. From stroke recovery to managing post-surgical complications, your 24-hour rehabilitation team has the expertise to achieve the highest level of function possible.

Neurologic Rehabilitation

Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) offers specialized rehabilitation services for those living with both simple and complex neurologic disorders and those recovering from a brain or spinal injury. Our experienced team of therapists will customize a plan to help restore you to your highest possible level of cognitive and physical function and mobility. We work with you to create an ongoing plan of wellness to maximize your highest level of overall health and function at a rehab location close to home.


As an academic medical center, Lehigh Valley Fleming Neuroscience Institute uses the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment to care for people with neurological disorders. Our skilled team provides expert, compassionate care, evidence-based diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan.


The neurosurgery team at Lehigh Valley Fleming Neuroscience Institute performs expert surgical procedures for patients who have neurological conditions, brain tumors and spinal disorders. We use the latest surgical techniques to provide a safe and effective surgery.


Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute has a full team of specialists that can get you back on your feet with the most comprehensive orthopedic care in the region. From surgery to sports medicine, we help you get moving again.

Rehabilitation Services

Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. We help you recover and achieve the highest level of function possible after injury or illness. With five inpatient locations and more than 40 outpatient convenient locations in 10 counties, you’re never far from the rehabilitation care you need.