At LVHN we take research seriously and we consider every research participant a “medical hero”, often taking the road less traveled while facilitating new medical approaches and options for future patients. If you choose to participate in a clinical trial, you will work with a research navigator who is available every step of the way along the clinical trial journey. Most importantly, clinical trials are voluntary and entirely your choice to participate in. You may choose to leave a clinical trial at any time, for any reason.
Who manages LVHN clinical trials?
The Network Office of Research and Innovation (NORI) at LVHN manages all clinical research here. With expertise in multiple clinical areas our research staff and scientists are continually exploring new therapies that may give hope to those suffering from varied medical conditions.
Where can I learn more about LVHN clinical trials?
We are committed to providing the highest level of protection to our clinical trials participants. If you are looking for more information or thinking about joining a research study, we invite you to:
As always, if you have a question about clinical trials at LVHN, please contact the Network Office of Research and Innovation at 610-402-9543.
Leading-Edge Care through Children’s Oncology Group Membership
When your child has cancer, you want every available resource on your side. Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital is a member of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), one of over 200 centers throughout the United States, Canada and worldwide, dedicated to improving the outcome for all children with cancer through research. With more than 90% of children with cancer treated and cared for at COG sites, this global research team helps turn today’s discoveries into tomorrow’s cures. In addition to therapeutic research participation, COG member hospitals utilize the world’s expert guidance for supportive care and long term care guidelines, helping to reduce the short and long-term complications of cancer treatment.
Project: Every Child
As a member of COG, Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital enrolls patients on Project: Every Child, a unique research protocol that aims to capture the biology and outcome data for every child diagnosed with cancer – no matter how common or rare. Patients and families who participate allow extra tissue from surgery or a biopsy to be securely stored in COG’s biorepository and studied by scientists from around the world. This powerful tool will hopefully one day help find the basis of all childhood cancers and find better cures for every type of childhood cancer.
For more information about the Children’s Oncology Group and clinical trials, please visit: Opens in new tab