Nabil Mimari, CCP

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Heart Surgery

Independent Cliniciani


Languages spoken

  • English
  • Arabic

Affiliated with


Philosophy of care

I make sure to provide you the best patient care in terms of quality and efficiency.

Why I entered medicine

I became a doctor to help heal and care for patients in need and become a productive member of the community. I want you to know that living a healthy lifestyle will improve your heart before and after surgery (if needed). Following basic diet habits and some exercise could prevent major problems and speedup the healing process.

Community involvement

I am involved in church activities and provide monetary donations for people in need.

Personal interests

When not working I enjoy running, exercising and cooking healthy food.


Temple University, BS-Biology, 2009

SUNY Upstate Medical University College of Medicine, BS - Perfusion Technology, 2015
