Title IX

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in the education programs and activities of entities that receive federal financial assistance. These programs and activities include “all of the operations of a college, university, or other postsecondary institution, or a public higher education system.” Title IX's nondiscrimination protections apply to student recruitment, admissions, educational programs (including individual courses), research, housing, counseling, financial and employment assistance, health and insurance benefits, and health services.

Title IX prohibits sex-based harassment, including sexual harassment, which limits the ability to participate in and benefit from a program or activity.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing at Lehigh Valley Health Network complies with applicable federal civil rights laws. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Joseph F McCloskey School of Nursing does not exclude or treat people differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing prohibits acts of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct on the school campus or occurring within the school community. It prohibits a broad continuum of behaviors, all of which constitute sexual or gender-based harassment or discrimination, sexual violence, or intimate partner violence. Prohibited conduct that may violate this policy includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation, physical assault, bullying, intimidation and retaliation, and stalking.

It is the policy of Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing to address any reports of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct following Title IX regulations. 

Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing will respond to sexual harassment or sexual misconduct under Title IX so that every complainant receives appropriate support, respondents are treated as responsible only after receiving due process and fundamental fairness, and school officials serve impartially without bias for or against any party.

Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing is committed to providing an environment free from sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. Each member of the school community is expected to assume responsibility for their conduct, report behaviors that may violate this policy, and take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop acts of sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, or intimate partner violence.

Title IX coordinator

Thomas McPhillips, Director of Human Resources

Michelle Siminitus, BS, Financial Aid Administrator/Admissions Coordinator
Get in touch
Michelle Siminitus, Admissions Coordinator/Financial Aid Administrator, can answer your questions about how to apply, cost of attending and receiving financial aid.
Email us