Lehigh Valley Hospital–Schuylkill Adolescent Behavioral Health
420 S. Jackson Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
United States

The 10-bed secure unit offers the finest of psychiatric, medical and educational services. Located close to home, our program involves and encourages families to be part of their loved one's treatment through family therapy sessions.
The program, through the integrated effort of its professional staff, develops individualized treatment plans for each patient admitted to the unit. This plan is based on thorough evaluation of the child's medical and psychiatric condition, social/educational history and functional performance level.
Our staff of psychiatrist, psychologist, nurses, social workers, educator and recreational therapists are dedicated to building and strengthening each patient for tomorrows that can be brighter.
For visitation information contact adolescent inpatient behavioral health at 570-621-5551.
Learn more about behavioral health programs at Lehigh Valley Health Network.