Transitional Living Center

264A S. Levan St.
Allentown, PA 18102
United States

Hours vary by service
Please call for information and appointments

The Transitional Living Center offers two levels of supervision at its residential sites.

Our 24-hour site is supervised around-the-clock, 365 days per year for residents who require a highly structured environment.

Our moderate-care site is supervised 10 hours each day, Monday through Friday, and eight hours on Saturday. This setting is designed for residents needing limited supervision.

The TLC staff

Distinguished by years of dedicated service, our professional staff ensures continuity of care for residents of the program. The shared goal of our staff members is to provide clinical and educational services and support through a team approach in a comfortable, secure environment.

Resident goals

Each resident meets regularly with a program case manager to develop a weekly schedule of goals for the development, recovery and improvement of key living skills. Following is a brief description of the activities in which residents may participate depending on their treatment plan, and which form the program’s foundation.

  • Medication – Educates residents about their medication regimens dosages and side effects
  • Nutrition – Combines problem-solving skills with valuable nutritional information to produce appetizing results
  • Housekeeping – Teaches residents how to maintain a neat, clean and attractive home environment
  • Finances – Educates residents about budgeting, banking, income, saving and stretching dollars
  • Home safety – Explores in detail issues such as personal, home and community safety
  • Transportation – Teaches residents how to use public transportation
  • Laundry – Offers instruction in how to wash, dry and properly store laundry
  • Personal hygiene – Stresses and encourages health and hygiene skills, including cleanliness and exercise
  • Time management – Helps residents effectively manage their time and accomplish goals
  • Interpersonal skills – Educates residents to comfortably relate to others appropriately through personal interaction
  • Vocational/educational pursuits – Encourages residents to explore and achieve their goals in education and vocation
  • Leisure skills – Planned community activities promote constructive use of free time

Home-like environment

Both residential sites feature comfortable, fully furnished apartments conveniently located in the Lehigh Valley. The sites also feature luxury living with lighted tennis courts and a swimming pool. Each apartment has a clothes washer and dryer and central air-conditioning.

Comprehensive health services

TLC is a program of Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) department of psychiatry. The hospital offers a full continuum of care in mental health services including inpatient, partial hospitalization, outpatient, home care, consultation-liaison and emergency psychiatric services.

A service of Lehigh Valley Hospital.