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- Pregnancy Care and Childbirth
- Midwife Services
- CenteringPregnancy® Prenatal Care Program
No one wants to go through pregnancy alone. Through group prenatal care, this program offers you additional support during your pregnancy and gives you the opportunity to form friendships with other women going through the same pregnancy milestones. Combining CenteringPregnancy with midwife-led care has been demonstrated to improve maternal and infant health outcomes and reduce racial disparities.
What is CenteringPregnancy?
CenteringPregnancy is an evidence-based program that goes beyond the traditional prenatal care visit by taking you out of the exam room and into a comfortable, welcoming group setting. You will be able to spend more time with your clinician, engage in conversation and learn about important and timely health topics, such as nutrition, stress management and more.
You, your fellow moms and your midwife can relax and get to know each other on a much deeper and meaningful level. Members of the group form lasting friendships and are connected in ways not possible in traditional care.
What do appointments look like?
CenteringPregnancy group prenatal care follows the recommended schedule of 10 prenatal visits, but each visit is 90 minutes to two hours long – giving you significantly more time with your clinician. You’ll take a more engaged and active role in your pregnancy care by taking and recording your own vitals. You’ll also have one-on-one time with a clinician for “belly checks” and individual questions.
Once health assessments are complete, a midwife “circles up” with a group of eight to 12 moms and their support people. The midwife leads facilitative discussion and interactive activities designed to address important and timely health topics while leaving room to discuss what is important to the group. The group covers nutrition, common discomforts, stress management, labor and delivery, breastfeeding and infant care.
Additional details:
- CenteringPregnancy appointments are held at LVPG Midwifery–Pond Road in Allentown.
- You can join through the third group-visit (20-24 weeks visit).
- Children and a support person or people are welcome.
- Since this program is covered as routine prenatal care, there is no additional cost.
Learn more in this Opens in new tab video from the Centering Healthcare Institute.
Opens in new tab Getting started with CenteringPregnancy
If CenteringPregnancy sounds right for you, reach out to us today.
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