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- Services and Treatments
- Second Opinion for Heart or Lung Issues
Lehigh Valley Heart and Vascular Institute can help
Cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons and vascular surgeons with the Heart and Vascular Institute have the expertise to treat complex heart and lung issues. We will meet with you and consult with referring physicians to confirm your diagnosis and discuss recommended treatment plans.
You may request a second opinion from a heart and lung expert in order to:
- Explore all possible treatment options for aortic and mitral valve diseases, coronary artery disease, thoracic aortic aneurysms, reoperation for the diseases previously listed, pacemaker/lead extractions, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, lung nodules, lung cancer and esophageal diseases
- Confirm that a particular surgery or treatment is the best option for you
- Ensure the accuracy of your diagnosis
Second opinion services by specialty
When you choose LVPG Cardiology, you have peace of mind knowing you will be taken care of at Lehigh Valley Health Network, which consistently ranks among the best in the nation for heart attack survival.
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic surgeons with the Lehigh Valley Heart and Vascular Institute have the expertise to treat complex heart and lung issues. If you’re uncertain about what to do, our cardiothoracic (heart and lung) surgeons can review your test results, discuss treatments, and provide a second opinion.
Vascular Surgery
Our vascular surgeons use the latest medical and surgical therapies to diagnose and treat vascular diseases affecting blood vessels outside of the heart.