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- Services and Treatments
- Specialty Care
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Skin Lesion Evaluation
Finding a lump, bump, mole or growth on your skin can be concerning, but the advanced practice clinicians at LVPG Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery have vast experience evaluating, testing and treating a wide range of skin lesions (areas of the skin that look or feel different than the skin around them).
Our experts will work quickly to determine your diagnosis and come up with a care plan specific to you.
Conditions we see
Our skin lesion team sees people age 8 and older who have concerning skin growths, moles, masses, lumps or bumps on any part of their body. The most common concerns we see include:
- Moles
- Cysts
- Fatty tumors
- Skin cancers
- Precancerous lesions
- Skin tags that interfere with vision or are frequently inflamed or sore
Our team does not evaluate:
- Rashes
- Acne
- Warts
If you are experiencing one of these three skin concerns, it is best to make an appointment with a dermatologist (a skin doctor) for further evaluation and care.
What to expect
During your first appointment, an advanced practice clinician will examine your area of concern and determine if further testing is needed. Your clinician might also recommend a biopsy, where a sample of your skin concern will be removed so it can be tested in a lab. Once your clinician has determined your diagnosis, they will provide you with a recommended treatment plan (which could include medication, a procedure to remove it entirely or watching the area closely for changes). You may also be referred to another clinical team for care if needed.
Advanced and timely skin lesion care
The advanced practice clinicians at LVPG Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery see a large number of people for skin conditions and are dedicated to guiding you through every stage of your care journey. Appointments are also widely available at two convenient locations so you can be seen quickly.
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