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10 Questions With Hematologist Oncologist Mohammad Kazemi, MD

Learn what inspired his career, what his favorite book is, and more

10 Questions With Hematologist Oncologist Mohammad Kazemi, MD

Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute is excited to welcome hematologist oncologist Mohammad Kazemi, MD, to LVH Hematology Oncology–1240 Cedar Crest (part of the John and Dorothy Morgan Cancer Center at Lehigh Valley Hospital–Cedar Crest).

Specialized in treating cancers of the blood (including lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma), Dr. Kazemi is dedicated to clearly explaining each patient’s condition and developing a personalized care plan based on their specific needs.

“I chose to specialize in oncology because of the important bond that can be built with cancer patients,” Dr. Kazemi says. “It is an honor to support people through one of the most difficult periods of their lives, and I greatly enjoy getting to know those I care for on a personal level.”

Learn more about Dr. Kazemi through our 10 questions interview:

1. What inspired you to get into medicine?

I always wanted a career that allowed me to make a positive impact on other people’s lives. I have also always been fascinated by human physiology and how diseases affect the body. Becoming a doctor combined both of those interests.

One of the great things about Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute is that we offer many groundbreaking treatments, and we are even involved in researching others that could lead to breakthroughs in the future. - Mohammad Kazemi, MD

2. What is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is treating patients and helping them go back to living their normal lives.

3. What's one thing you hope patients take away from their time with you?

I hope that after my patients meet with me, they have a clear understanding of their condition, treatment options and what to expect during their treatments.

I want them to know it’s completely normal to have questions, and there are no silly ones. My colleagues and I are always here to support them.

4. What does the future of cancer care look like?

Over the last decade, we’ve seen targeted therapies and immunotherapies revolutionize how we treat many types of cancer. In the future, I think these therapies will continue to improve lives while also reducing side effects.

One of the great things about Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute is that we offer many of these groundbreaking treatments, and we are even involved in researching others that could lead to breakthroughs in the future.

5. Are you a tea or coffee person?

Coffee all the way!

6. What's your go-to treat?

I really like cheeseburgers and pizza.

7. What is your favorite book?

I greatly enjoyed reading “On the Shortness of Life,” which is an essay by a Roman philosopher named Seneca.

8. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?


9. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

When I’m not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading books and watching European soccer matches.

10. Do you have favorite binge-TV shows?

Yes! My favorites are “The Sopranos” and “Yes, Minister.”

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