When Lehigh Valley Hospital–Dickson City opened this spring, its surgical specialty focus was evident.
A highlight of the 100,000-square-foot facility – which boasts seven operating rooms and two procedure rooms – is the 7D Surgical System, the first in the region and state to provide radiation-free image-guided surgery for spinal and cranial navigation.
“The technology is very different from other navigation systems in that it doesn’t require the intraoperative CT scan,” explains Christopher Henderson, MD, orthopedic spine surgeon with Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute. “The system uses a sophisticated camera linked to a computer in the operating room. The underlying technology is similar to that used in the latest self-driving automobiles. It's an advanced technology that you'd expect to find in a larger metro area. By offering it in Lackawanna County, we can provide an even better experience for our patients, in a location that’s closer to home.”