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Holiday Safety Reminders Emphasized with Local College Students

Safe driving during holidays

Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday meet-and-greets will probably be more common this year as college students head home for their break compared to last year because more and more pandemic restrictions have eased with COVID vaccines now available to almost everyone.

With that in mind, the Lehigh Valley DUI/Highway Safety Task Force, of which LVHN is a partner, shared some activities and safety tips with students at Lehigh University this week, urging them to especially keep travel and alcohol safety in mind as they prepare to celebrate.

Other common-sense tips shared with the students included the importance of wearing a seat belt, not speeding or driving recklessly and making sure they designate a driver if they do overindulge.

The Task Force tested the students’ alcohol IQ with a brief quiz about how much is too much to drink and how costly a DUI could be, as well as having them “walk the line” using fatal vision goggles to experience what it would be like to go through a sobriety checkpoint if they had too much to drink. Other common-sense tips shared with the students included the importance of wearing a seat belt, not speeding or driving recklessly and making sure they designate a driver if they do overindulge.

Another focus was urging the students and others to keep in mind how future aspirations including the career they’re preparing for could be wiped away with one bad decision. 

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