An ordinary day and a routine physical turned into much more for Tom Hoffner, 66, a Quakertown resident and landscaper by trade. His electrocardiogram came out abnormal, so his primary care clinician referred him to a cardiologist. His heart tested healthy, so he was sent to the pulmonology department. At first, nothing stood out.
Baffled but determined, nurse practitioner Andrea Dally, CRNP, with Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN), insisted on a computed tomography (CT) scan of Hoffner’s lungs. He fit the criteria of having been a heavy smoker for more than 20 years. The CT scan picked up a suspicious nodule, so Dally ordered a biopsy. Sure enough, the biopsy results showed stage 1 lung cancer.
“I had no symptoms, nothing,” says Hoffner, who credits Dally for her perseverance. “They couldn’t find anything, but they kept looking. I had no idea I had cancer.”