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LVHN Community Health Symposium Partners with Luzerne County Leaders to Improve Health and Wellness in Region

Collaboration is central to creating lasting change and breaking down silos

To improve the quality of health for Luzerne County residents, we must break down silos. That was the overarching message of Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN)’s third annual Community Health Symposium, held this year in Luzerne County at Capriotti’s Palazzo. The symposium was offered cooperatively by the Opens in new tab Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health, LVHN and Lehigh Valley Hospital–Hazleton.

The symposium listed four main objectives:

  1. Learn from local community partners about their insights into factors that influence health.
  2. Identify ways in which local community partners are addressing factors that impact health over time.
  3. Discuss the evolving leadership role of large complex health care systems in addressing social determinants of health.
  4. Summarize a collective path forward and short-term next steps that allow all partners to contribute to improved community well-being.
“Collaboration is central to creating lasting change. No single entity can solve the health challenges we face. That’s why we need to break down silos and work across sectors.” – PA State Rep. Dane Watro, R-116th District


More than 60 community leaders and LVHN clinicians, directors and community specialists gathered to discuss a broad range of important issues that impact the quality of health and social determinants of health.

PA State Rep. Dane Watro, R-116th District, focused his keynote remarks on breaking down silos and working across sectors. Partnering with schools, faith-based organizations and businesses to promote community well-being, as well as building connections at the state and federal levels to ensure we have the resources necessary for meaningful progress.

Lehigh Valley Hospital–Hazleton President, Tammy Torres, DNP, provided a demographic overview and community health profile that covered Luzerne's higher-than-average rates of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, as well as issues such as physical inactivity, excessive drinking, smoking and low birth weight.

A series of three breakout sessions facilitated by both LVHN and community leaders focused on mental health, language barriers and access to care. Community health data was shared. Discussions were documented and information was gathered during the brainstorming sessions.

The symposium was an opportunity to learn from and support local and community partners regarding their insights into factors that influence health. The attendees were charged with identifying solutions on how to improve some of the most pressing issues affecting our community's health.

A full report that will outline themes of the conversations and recommendations is being composed. LVHN will use the findings to as part of its Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Reports and implementation plan. We hope this sparks more conversations about how we can collaborate across different sectors.

Community Health Needs Assessment Reports

Read the 2022 Luzerne County Community Health Needs Assessment

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