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LVHN Offers Free Flu Shots at Clinics Throughout the Region

This is the 27th year for the influenza (flu) vaccination campaign

How to get a free flu shot at LVHN

Flu season is right around the corner, and Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) is offering you a convenient way to protect yourself and your family with drive-thru and walk-in flu shot clinics throughout the region. For the past 26 years, LVHN has administered more than 210,000 free flu shots through its annual community influenza vaccination campaign.

“Being vaccinated against influenza reduces the risk for illness, hospitalization and death from the flu,” says Alex Benjamin, MD, LVHN’s Chief of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. “Like many respiratory illnesses, influenza can be spread by infected individuals who are not showing symptoms, and since we are not masking as often as we have in recent years, we could see increased transmission. Therefore, we strongly encourage everyone to make it their responsibility to get vaccinated.”

Dr. Benjamin says those with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, regardless of symptoms, should defer their flu vaccine until they have met criteria to discontinue isolation. While having a mild illness is not a reason to avoid vaccination altogether, people who are sick should avoid exposing health care professionals and other patients to their illness.

“Getting the vaccine remains the best way to protect yourself and those around you from getting the flu.” - Terry Burger, RN, LVHN Administrator for Infection Control and Prevention

Flu shot clinic schedule

LVHN is offering several free drive-thru and walk-in flu shot clinics. A vaccine information statement and a consent form for all flu shot clinic locations are available below. 

Please bring a completed and signed Opens in new tab consent form for each person receiving a flu shot.

At the Nov. 2 and 3 flu shot clinics (Dorney Park and Lehigh Valley Hospital–Hecktown Oaks), M.A.R.T.I.N (May All Receive Their Immunizations Now) Flu Foundation will be on-site collecting food donations to be distributed to Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank, TLC Program – Department of Psychiatry, Allentown Rescue Mission and LVHN Cancer Center.

LVHN flu shot clinics

Check back soon for more flu clinics.

Why get the flu shot?

The flu shot is an important tool when it comes to preventing severe cases of flu. Terry Burger, RN, LVHN Administrator for Infection Control and Prevention, says a standard dose of the vaccine will be given to people 6 months to 64 years. People 65 and over will be offered the high-dose vaccine.

“Getting the vaccine remains the best way to protect yourself and those around you from getting the flu,” Burger says. Vaccine supplies are abundant so people should not be concerned about availability.

Get a flu shot with LVHN

Influenza (flu) Shots

The flu affects millions of people each year and can cause severe illness and even lead to death. The flu shot can prevent the flu and minimize illness.

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