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Monthly LVHN Events and Happenings

Find out what’s happening in December at LVHN and in the community

Find out what’s happening in December at LVHN and in the community

From educational programs to community events, Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) has so much to share. Join our events to get to know LVHN doctors and clinicians, learn health tips and stay up to date.

We regularly update our program calendar, so be sure to check our full list of events here or call 888-402-LVHN (5846) for program information.

And be sure to check out a sampling of observances in December – including National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week – for ideas on how you can make the most of them.

Below is a list of events coming up in December:

A sampling of observances in December

The month of December has many observances related to health, health care and more. Here is a brief list of observances and helpful information to keep you in the know:

National Safe Toys and Gifts Month

Do you have any kids on your shopping list this gift-giving season? If so, make sure you’re buying safe and age-appropriate toys and gifts. To help you out, tune into this episode of The Healthiest You podcast where you’ll learn the dos and don’ts of gift giving for kids of all ages.

Dec. 2-7: National Influenza Vaccination Week

Has your family received their flu shot yet? Not getting immunized against seasonal influenza can lead to tragedy. This heartbreaking truth is one the McGowans learned the hard way after 15-year-old Martin McGowan died of influenza complications just 24 hours after his first symptom appeared. More on his story here.

Dec. 1: World AIDS Day

In the ever-evolving landscape of HIV/AIDS, there's a group that demands our utmost attention and care – individuals age 50 and older living with the virus. Discover how older individuals with HIV/AIDS can lead healthy, fulfilling lives here.

Dec. 4: Santa’s List Day

Is more sleep on your wish list this holiday season – or throughout any other time of the year? If so, these tips will help you get a good night’s sleep.

Dec. 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

Do you feel like you have to choose between a piece of chocolate and a clear face? If so, we’ve got some good news for you. Contrary to what many people think, chocolate, greasy foods and lack of washing your face are usually not to blame for acne. But these things are.

Dec. 21: Winter Solstice

Are you feeling the winter blues? You’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you through seasonal affective disorder (more commonly identified as seasonal depression or the “winter blues”).

Dec. 29: Still Need to Do Day

Do you have things on your to-do list you still need to get done? Here’s one more for you: schedule a cancer screening. Doing so may just save your life. Learn more here.

Dec. 30: National Resolution Planning Day

Is losing weight one of your New Year’s resolutions? You don’t have to tackle this resolution alone. Discover how LVHN’s weight-loss team can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight here.

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