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New Deadline to Complete 2020 Census: Sept. 30


Every decade, everyone living in the United States is “counted” by the U.S. Census Bureau. By accounting for how many people in our community, organizations (like Lehigh Valley Health Network) are better equipped to evaluate the services and programs needed. The census also determines how seats in Congress are distributed among the 50 states.

COVID-19 has made census-taking in person more challenging than usual, which has resulted in a decision to close the census on Sept. 30 instead of Oct. 31. If you haven’t yet had a chance to complete the census form sent to you in March 2020, you can still complete it online at Federal law keeps those responses safe and secure.

How do responses to the 2020 census impact health care?

Responses to the 2020 census inform how over $675 billion is distributed to communities nationwide each year, meaning more funding goes to hospitals and clinics in places that need them most.

NEW DATE: Complete the census by Sept. 30. The census can be completed online (with or without the 12-digit census ID mailed to you), by phone or by mail.





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  • Responding is safe. Your personal information is kept confidential by law. Your responses can only be used to produce statistics. They cannot be used for law enforcement purposes or to determine your personal eligibility for government benefits.

Shape your future. Start here. 

To respond to the census, visit

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