Erica Francis, 47, of Old Forge, shares a story that’s all too common: While showering, she felt a lump in her left breast. She’d had lumps in the past and had been told then to wait for a menstrual cycle to pass before getting concerned, so she waited again. A couple weeks later, she began the process of having her lump investigated. Later still, she was enjoying a beach vacation in Virginia when she got the call telling her she had cancer.
“It was our first day. I was there with my mother, my sister, my sister-in-law. I told my sister I didn’t want to talk about it,” Francis says.
She didn’t break the news to her mother until the vacation was over. A day later, July 3, Francis had her first meeting with her breast surgeon, Krista Bott, MD, with Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute.