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Watch LVHN’s Veterans Day Event

On Nov. 11, LVHN paid tribute to all who have served in a ceremony at LVH–Hecktown Oaks.

Veteran's day at LVHN Hecktown Oaks

This is an excerpt from the remarks of Alexander Alex, Director, Veteran Health Program at Lehigh Valley Health Network, at the Veterans Day event on Nov. 11, 2021.

Veterans Day is a celebration to honor all our veterans for their patriotism, love of country and their readiness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. It is also a day for reflection. Since the first colonists took up arms and declared independence in 1776, this nation has had a rich and deep history of volunteers and patriots to defend her liberty and freedom.

This unbroken chain of devotion to service continues in the modern-day military with men and women keeping this critical line of accomplishment and honor. These soldiers, sailors and airmen have served with commitment and dignity. Few understand the sacrifice of those who serve, or what their families endure and the scars they bear and suppress.

Veteran's day at LVHN Hecktown Oaks

This unbroken chain of devotion to service continues in the modern-day military with men and women keeping this critical line of accomplishment and honor. These soldiers, sailors and airmen have served with commitment and dignity. Few understand the sacrifice of those who serve, or what their families endure and the scars they bear and suppress.

Therefore, warriors need advocates. I’m privileged to be a part of organizations that do just that. In 2017, LVHN established a Veteran Health Program. Now with the formation of Valley Health Partners, they are supporting veterans in navigating the complexities of health services and getting access to the care they need. Learn more at Opens in new tab

Veteran's day at LVHN Hecktown Oaks

We must remember that veterans are us. They come from the citizenry, the very heart of American society and are asked to do extraordinary jobs to defend America. Most veterans are proud of their service and being part of something greater than themselves. President Eisenhower once remarked that he was far prouder of his days in uniform than as president of the United States.

So, on Veterans Day, collectively as proud citizens, a nation pauses to acknowledge the courage and service of our veterans and to let each veteran know that America is grateful.

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