Healthy You - Every Day

Your Racing Heart. Is it Normal?

The Healthiest You Podcast: Episode 12

Your Racing Heart. Is it normal? Find out on The Healthiest You Podcast: Episode 13

Hari Joshi, MD, cardiologist with Lehigh Valley Heart and Vascular Institute, joins Mike and Steph from B104 to talk about Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), irregular heartbeat. Learn when to be concerned about a flutter of your heart, what can increase your risk of AFib and more in this episode of The Healthiest You.

About the podcast

The Healthiest You podcast is hosted by familiar voices – Opens in new tab Mike and Steph from B104. In each episode they will interview doctors and experts across Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) to learn practical health tips for everyday life – to empower you to be the healthiest you.

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What’s AFib and Why Does It Matter?

What’s AFib and Why Does It Matter?

Increase your IQ during Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month

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