If you are at risk for lung cancer, have wisely received a computed tomography (CT) scan and the scan detected a suspicious lung nodule, it’s understandable you’d be nervous. You may feel confused and not sure what to do next. At Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN), we know this and have planned for it.
“Patients with a suspicious CT scan or X-ray will meet with an interventional clinician first,” says Brian Civic, MD, Chief, Pulmonary Medicine. “If a biopsy is needed, our nurse navigators walk the patient through the steps to diagnosis.”
Amanda Velez, BSN, RN, and Jena Wolfe, RN, will set up the bronchoscopy appointment and answer any questions. If the patient hesitates or cancels the appointment, Velez and Wolfe will contact the patient and urge them to come in. “The last thing we want is for a patient to go without a workup for a year or so, and then come in with later stage cancer,” Dr. Civic says.