Katherine Taylor, DO (she/her/hers)

Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Katherine Taylor, DO

Katherine Taylor, DO, grew up in Idaho Springs, Colo. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Certificate in International Development from Colorado State University. Orlando, Fla., was her home, was her home for the past 16 years, where she worked as a Realtor and radiographer and volunteered at the Department of Veterans Affairs. She also served as a science fair judge and advocated for student issues on the American Osteopathic Association’s Bureau of Emerging Leaders while completing medical school at Nova Southeastern University in Tampa, Fla. Her professional interests include lifestyle medicine, integrative medicine and geriatrics, with a continued commitment to improving her osteopathic treatment skills and viewing all patients as inherently healthy, whole persons. Her personal interests include spending time with her husband and two daughters, cooking, “liking” international insect and fungus photos on Facebook groups and reading through her never-ending book list.