Robert Gyory, MD

Robert  A.  Gyory, MD

I’m Rob Gyory. I completed my undergraduate education at the University of Pittsburgh in 2013 and my medical education at the Penn State College of Medicine in 2017. I graduated from the Lehigh Valley Health Network Emergency Medicine Residency in 2021 and the Penn State EMS fellowship in 2022. I hold board certification in both emergency medicine and EMS. As part of my EMS duties for the network, I am one of the medical directors for the hospital-based EMS system that LVHN maintains.

Outside of my job, I’m a medical director and EMS physician for multiple local ambulance corps, serve on the board of directors and medical advisory committee of the regional EMS council, and run as a tactical physician for the Eastern PA Tactical EMS team. I also hope to participate in urban search and rescue, wilderness medicine and firefighting in the future, as time allows. I am also interested in clinical EMS research and am often looking for new ideas for the next great project.

I spend my spare time reading and writing philosophy and bioethics, reading good science fiction and looking for the next greatest video game or tabletop game.