Ryan Hay, MSN, PHRN, CEM

Ryan Hay, MSN, PHRN, CEM

Ryan graduated from DeSales University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a concentration in national security. He then completed graduate education at Jacksonville State University, earning a Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in emergency management.

His clinical experience includes nursing in both the emergency and pre-hospital/transport environments with extensive experience in municipal and health care emergency management. He serves as the Administrator of Public Safety and Emergency Operations at Lehigh Valley Health Network. In addition to his role at LVHN, he is an assistant chief on the Lehigh County Special Operations Team and a medical specialist on PA Company 3, a regional in-state urban search and rescue team in northeastern Pennsylvania.

He is co-chair of Pennsylvania’s North East Healthcare Coalition and chartering secretary of Pennsylvania’s Healthcare Coalition Council. He is a longtime volunteer with the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation, serving as Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator since 2012.