Clinical Trial: Cancer

Alliance A231601CD, OPTI-SURG study

Full Name

A231601CD:   Improving Surgical Care and Outcomes in Older Cancer Patients Through Implementation of an Efficient Pre-surgical Toolkit (OPTI-SURG)


This trial studies how well the use of a pre-surgical toolkit (OPTI-Surg) works in improving surgical care and outcomes in older participants with cancer. In many elderly patients, surgery can greatly affect physical condition and the ability to return to pre-surgery levels of physical functioning. Providing pre-surgical recommendations may help improve participants’ recovery rate and functioning after surgery.


Inclusion Criteria

Eligible patients must have known or suspected cancer diagnosis and have one of the following cancer-directed operations planned: 

  • Gastrectomy
  • Colectomy
  • Proctectomy
  • Esophagectomy
  • Pancreatectomy
  • Hepatectomy
  • Total cystectomy
  • Total Nephrectomy
  • Lung lobectomy/pneumonectomy

Age ≥ 70 years

Patients with known metastatic disease with a plan for curative intent resection are eligible (e.g. curative liver resection for metastatic colorectal cancer).

Patients with double primaries undergoing planned curative operation for both are eligible (e.g. synchronous colon cancers undergoing colectomy to treat both).

Exclusion Criteria

Patients undergoing emergent surgery are not eligible.

Patients with second primary, or metachronous malignancy are not eligible.

Patients with known metastatic disease who are undergoing palliative resection are not eligible.

Patients with psychiatric illness or other mental impairment that would preclude their ability to give informed consent or to participate in the prehabilitation program are not eligible.

Patients must be able to speak and complete questionnaires in English.

Doctor(s) Running This Study