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- Focused Ultrasound for Essential Tremor
If you have essential tremor and medication has not worked for you, you may qualify for a new incisionless alternative. Lehigh Valley Fleming Neuroscience Institute is the first in the region to offer focused ultrasound for the treatment of essential tremor. This technique uses sound waves guided by MRI to target a small spot in your brain, the Vim of the thalamus, considered to be responsible for tremor, and requires no incisions or permanent implants.
Treating Essential Tremor
An estimated 10 million Americans have essential tremor, and now one of the newest treatments – focused ultrasound – is available in the region at Lehigh Valley Fleming Neuroscience Institute.
The Fleming Neuroscience Institute uses the Insightec® system, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in late 2022.
What is essential tremor?
Essential tremor (ET) is a neurological condition that causes shaking of the hands, head and voice, but it can also cause the legs and trunk to shake. Some people even have a feeling of internal tremor. ET is often confused with Parkinson’s disease although it’s eight times more common, affecting an estimated 10 million Americans and millions more worldwide.
ET symptoms
The primary symptoms associated with essential tremor include uncontrollable shaking that:
- Occurs for brief periods of time
- Begins gradually, usually on one side of your body
- Occurs in the hands first, affecting one hand or both
- Can include a shaking voice or tremor of your head
- Worsens during periods of emotional stress and purposeful movement
Is this treatment right for me?
- It is important to consult with your physician or a clinician at a focused ultrasound treatment center to determine if focused ultrasound is right for you.
- As part of the evaluation process, the severity of your tremor and your overall health will be evaluated. You will undergo a CT scan to determine if you are a candidate for focused ultrasound treatment.
- If you have metallic implants such as pacemakers, neuro-stimulators, spine or bone fixation devices, total joints, metal clips, screws, etc., you will need to consult with a doctor to determine if focused ultrasound is an option for you. Any metallic implants must be MRI-compatible to prevent injury from the MRI’s strong magnetic field.
- Also, if you are not generally healthy enough to withstand the treatment and lie still for an average of 1.5-2.5 hours, you may not be a good candidate for this treatment. There are additional limitations, and a doctor will do an assessment to verify if you are a candidate for the treatment.
Overall, focused ultrasound treatment has been shown to be safe for treating essential tremor with minimal risk, but as with any medical procedure, Opens in new tab there are risks. You should have a detailed conversation with your doctor regarding complications you may experience.
Find a neurologist
Talk with an LVPG neurologist to determine if focused ultrasound is right for you.
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