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- Services and Treatments
- Specialty Care
- Neurosurgery
- Spondylolisthesis Surgery
At LVHN, you’ll find expert surgical care for spondylolisthesis. If you tried conservative methods such as physical therapy, rest and medication but are still experiencing pain, you have other options. Surgery might offer you long-term back pain relief.
We are leaders in navigated surgeries and have the region’s only spinal neuro-navigation system. This technology provides detailed views of the spine during surgery so we can protect sensitive areas and perform a safe procedure.
Spondylolisthesis occurs when one vertebra in your back slides over the bone beneath it. Learn more about spondylolisthesis.
When the pain persists despite nonsurgical treatment, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure.
Anterior lumbar fusion
We fuse (join) vertebrae, the bony sections of your spinal cord, to ease pain in the lower back and leg. We typically access the lower back through an abdominal incision.
Posterior lumbar fusion
This fusion procedure helps ease pain in the lower back and neck. We access the spine through an incision in your back.
We remove a part of the vertebral bone called the lamina. We may perform this procedure using either minimally invasive or open techniques, depending on what will offer you the most effective results:
- Microlaminectomy: In this minimally invasive procedure, we use tiny incisions and move aside back muscles to access and remove the lamina. Recovery takes a few days.
- Traditional laminectomy: This open procedure requires a larger incision, and we need to cut the ligaments and muscles. Recovery is longer than with a microlaminectomy.

Innovations at Lehigh Valley Institute for Surgical Excellence
Communication during surgery
For families, the hardest part of surgery is waiting and wondering. LVHN now offers secure mobile updates using the EASE app.