Page Hierarchy
- Services and Treatments
- Specialty Care
- Burn Treatment
We have one of the nation’s most advanced burn centers, providing the latest burn treatments from dedicated specialists.
Our Regional Burn Center offers specialized care for the most serious burn injuries. And once discharged, you’ll receive comprehensive follow-up care at the Walter J. and June H. Okunski Burn Recovery Center. This outpatient burn center also cares for less-severe burn injuries and provides valuable support services to help patients and families deal with the emotional concerns that often come with a burn injury.
Comprehensive burn care at Lehigh Valley Institute for Surgical Excellence
At the Institute for Surgical Excellence, you benefit from our:
Unparalleled burn care expertise
We care for almost 700 patients every year – three times the number treated at the average burn center. Our Regional Burn Center is the only center in northeastern Pennsylvania nationally verified by the American Burn Association and American College of Surgeons – a testament to our excellence in burn care.
Advanced burn treatments
We use modern burn treatments and precise anesthesia protocols to minimize the pain and trauma of burn injuries. We make sure your experience is as pain-free as possible.
A drug-free pain intervention called SnowWorld uses virtual technology to distract patients during burn wound dressing changes. And our scar management program uses modern techniques to limit cosmetic and functional disabilities.
Family-centered philosophy
We view patients and their families as a vital part of our care team. Family members are encouraged to visit at any time, 24 hours a day.
Focus on whole health
Our burn specialists are committed to providing culturally sensitive care that meets your physical and emotional needs. Our goal for your healing goes beyond the physical – we aim to see every patient experience a truly meaningful recovery.
Full range of burn care services
We offer a comprehensive range of advanced burn care and rehabilitation services at two burn centers.
Regional Burn Center
At the Regional Burn Center, we treat patients with burns or skin-related diseases that require intensive monitoring or surgery. Our dedicated burn specialists are experts in treating all degrees and sizes of burn injuries, including those from sources that are:
- Chemical
- Electrical
- Radiological
The center has 18 private rooms with private baths, allowing families space and privacy. Additionally, we offer advanced infection control methods to help speed your recovery.
Burn Recovery Center
Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Walter J. and June H. Okunski Burn Recovery Center provides specialized care for less severe burn injuries as well as follow-up care after patients are discharged from the Regional Burn Center.
At this outpatient burn center, our social workers connect patients with a range of support services such as burn survivor support groups. We help you navigate the emotional challenges burn recovery can present.
Other conditions we treat
In addition to burns of all types and severity levels, we also treat:
- Skin-related disorders, such as necrotizing soft tissue infections
- Frostbite
- Venomous insect and snake bites
Communication during surgery
For families, the hardest part of surgery is waiting and wondering. LVHN now offers secure mobile updates using the EASE app.