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Motown Music Lover Singing a Whole New Song After Overcoming Prostate Cancer

Harrison Wilson credits his faith, his fiancee and LVHN

His colleagues at work say that Harrison Wilson, 65, a professional mechanical manufacturer, “makes everyone laugh.” A former DJ who loves all kinds of music – from Motown to salsa – he would often sing with his coworkers as they went about their workday. His demeanor never changed, even when he was presented with a life-altering challenge.

“I opened my online medical record to review test results and saw my PSA score was off the charts,” Wilson says. “My primary care clinician immediately referred me to oncology for an exam. You can imagine what hearing the phrase, ‘You have prostate cancer’ felt like. It took about an hour for me to get myself together.”

Wilson shared his situation with a close friend, also his business coach, who recommended Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute, part of Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN). “I'm genuinely thankful for his advice which lead me to LVHN and for the best treatment in my situation.”

A state of shock

The Cancer Institute’s team and radiation oncologist Jaideep Neboori, MD, allayed any fears Wilson had. “We all sat down together to discuss the options. This was important,” Wilson says. “I have been to other hospitals, and I didn’t feel heard. LVHN made time to talk to me and listen. That took all the doubt away.”

“Like others, he struggled with the diagnosis and treatment, not knowing the prognosis,” Dr. Neboori says. The team gives patients as much information as they need to help manage their feelings of something unknown and life-threatening. “We help them see what’s realistic, advise them of appropriate treatments and give them hope. It makes the days better regardless of the outcome,” Dr. Neboori says.

“I chose to stay positive during treatment, with encouragement of the ones close to me and the amazing team of professionals that cared for me throughout treatment.” - Harrison Wilson

Due to his high risk, Wilson was not an ideal candidate for surgery. While his cancer had not spread beyond the pelvis, the best path for him was targeted external beam radiation treatments of the entire prostate area. He was given GnRH agonist therapy (Eligard) to shrink and slow the growth of cancer. “Combined with radiation, this has been shown to be effective in improving patient outcomes,” Dr. Neboori says.  

Seamless, convenient care

Starting in July 2024 Wilson underwent 15-minute doses of radiation, five days a week for 61 days. “I knew that I was going to do the best I could because I had a good support team,” Wilson says, believing his faith in God and encouragement from his fiancee, Denise White, kept him positive. “Knowing that things would be as God planned – and the whole team at the cancer center – made it easy,” he says, “I’m so glad I came here. Everyone is upbeat and just great.”

Wilson started his treatment at Lehigh Valley Hospital (LVH)–Cedar Crest but moved to LVH–Hecktown Oaks because he works in Easton and that location is more convenient. This kind of flexibility is possible due to LVHN’s integrated approach.

“We can see a patient at one site and treat them at another because we’ve made a commitment to standardizing radiation therapy across our network,” Dr. Neboori says. “We’ve had to make a huge investment in equipment and technology so that there can be a seamless transition from one site to the next. The department’s commitment to standardization and LVHN’s investment in technology allow us to deliver technically complex care with minimal disruption.” 

Ringing the bell

Besides the cancer center staff and excellent care, Wilson’s fiancee was essential to his recovery. They met about the same time he was diagnosed back in January. After being single for a year, Wilson says he was driving to work at 3 a.m. and he asked God to bring him “a beautiful woman who could understand him.” Within a short time, he met White, who is a cancer previvor. She had an inherited gene mutation and had surgery in advance to fight the cancer.

“I know what it’s like to hear those words,” White says. “Dating when you’re older is about the connection, and there was something about our meeting. He made such an impression and found a place in my heart. I felt like he should not be going through this alone.”

White was by Wilson’s side through his entire treatment and when he rang the bell at the Cancer Center at LVH–Hecktown Oaks Sept. 12. The bell is tradition when a patient has completed their course of radiation to celebrate the fact that they came every day, even when it was challenging, to complete their treatments. Friends, co-workers, Wilson’s care team and Dr. Neboori joined him.

“I’m proud of the quality of LVHN’s cancer care and that we can offer it to patients anywhere in the region,” Dr. Neboori says. “I’m also grateful for the opportunity to treat every patient and for them to put their trust in us. It’s an honor to do our small part for the health and well-being of our patients.”

More about prostate cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by errors in DNA. The more cells divide, the more chance they can make a mistake. Therefore, the longer a man lives, the more likely he will get prostate cancer. It’s important to watch for these symptoms:

  • Elevated PSA
  • Trouble urinating
  • Decreased force in the stream of urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Blood in the semen
  • Bone pain
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Erectile dysfunction
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