All that Beverly Looker remembers is being out on her daily walk with her husband David when they started crossing Jacksonville Road in Bethlehem.
“A car came through the intersection and struck both of us,” says the 77-year-old Looker about the April 24, 2023, accident. “I got the worst of it. David said he saw me fly up into the air, land on the hood of the car and slide down to the street.”
Looker was rushed to the trauma center at Lehigh Valley Hospital–Muhlenberg with significant head injuries, including multiple brain bleeds. Trauma surgeon Kathyrn Wheel, MD, with Lehigh Valley Institute for Surgical Excellence, says burr hole surgery, the process of creating a hole in Looker’s skull to insert a cranial pressure monitor. Neurosurgeon Brandon Kujawski, MD, from Lehigh Valley Fleming Neuroscience Institute, performed the procedure.