Dahlia Kronfli MD

Dahlia Kronfli, MD

My name is Dahlia and I’ve been a Maryland native up until residency. I am a first-generation American born and raised in Frederick, Md. I attended University of Maryland, College Park, worked as a scribe in my hometown then attended University of Maryland School of Medicine.

When I was deciding where to apply for residency, I sought a supportive program where I would feel well equipped in my intent to become a generalist. As a third-year medical student, I got to rotate with surgery at a community program and I was so impressed by how strong the residents’ surgical skills were when the teams were smaller and how there were more opportunities for teaching and learning; I knew I wanted this in a residency program. I also wanted to live in a new place outside of Maryland. I have a lot of different interests within the field of OB-GYN, such as family planning, and am excited to explore them further in the next four years.

Outside of medicine, I listen to a lot of EDM (electronic dance music), enjoy running and working out and dabble in creative pursuits such as photography.

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