Page Hierarchy
- Services and Treatments
- Testing and Imaging Centers
This directory provides the locations and times for common diagnostic testing and imaging services at Lehigh Valley Health Network. The listing indicates whether appointments are required, or if walk-in service is available. For most tests, the hours provided show the latest time an appointment can be made. Hours are subject to change. Follow the links to learn more about each test.
Schedule your diagnostic tests online
Just sign in to your MyLVHN account and click “Visits,” then choose “schedule an appointment.” All eligible rehabilitation services will appear, and you will be able to schedule your appointment at a time and location convenient for you. If you don't have an account, sign up for one today at Opens in new tab or download the free MyLVHN app, available on the Opens in new tab App Store or Opens in new tab Google Play.
Types of tests
Arteriogram (interventional radiology)
Exercise treadmill stress test
Lab tests (blood, urine, flu, stool), including pediatric blood draws
Mammogram, including our Mobile Mammography Coach
Types of Test
- Holter Monitor
- Pediatric Blood Draws
- Mammogram
- X-ray
- Echocardiogram
- Arteriogram
- Audiology
- Bone Densitometry (DEXA)
- Colonoscopy
- Coronary CTA
- CT (Computed Tomography) Scan
- Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)
- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Endocrine Testing
- Endoscopy
- Exercise Treadmill Stress Test
- Fluoroscopy and Urinary Tract Exams
- Lab Tests
- Lung Cancer Screening
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nuclear Stress Test
- PET/CT scan
- Pre-Admission Testing
- Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
- Sleep Study
- Stress Echocardiogram
- Ultrasound
- Vascular Studies