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Check Your Medicine Cabinets – Three LVHN Hospitals Hosting Drug Collections

Safely dispose of unused or unwanted medications during drug take back events at LVH–Hazleton, LVH–17th Street and LVH–Schuylkill.

Precription drugs

Expired or unused medications in your home have the potential to be abused, sold illegally on the street or lead to accidental poisoning, so properly discarding them is the best way to keep them out of the wrong hands.

One of the safest and most secure ways to get rid of unused prescriptions is dropping them off at drug take back events.


Before dropping off unwanted prescriptions, always be sure to remove any personal information on bottle labels.

Lehigh Valley Hospital (LVH)–Hazleton, LVH–17th Street and LVH–Schuylkill will host separate drug take back events in April, where unwanted medications will be collected and safely disposed of. Needles, lancets and other sharp objects will not be accepted at any of these events.

Before dropping off unwanted prescriptions, always be sure to remove any personal information on bottle labels.

Event details

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Can’t make it to a drug drop off event?

If you are unable to attend drug drop off events, you may drop off medication at secure drop boxes at any time. Drop boxes can be found in Lehigh Valley Health Network hospital locations in Lehigh County.


LVH–Cedar Crest
1200 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
Allentown, Pa.
Outside the pharmacy

LVH–17th Street
1627 W. Chew St.
Allentown, Pa.
Main entrance, near the gift shop

2545 Schoenersville Road
Bethlehem, Pa.
Outside the pharmacy

Items accepted at drop boxes include: prescription and over-the-counter medications, samples, vitamins, prescription ointments and patches, and pet medications.

Items not accepted include: syringes, needles, sharps or other sharp objects, medications from businesses and clinics, lotions, liquids, aerosol cans, inhalers, hydrogen peroxide and thermometers.

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