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Free Oral Cancer Screenings Available in April

If you or someone you care about is at risk for oral cancer – or has one or more symptoms associated with it – sign up for one of three Lehigh Valley screening events to find out

Free Oral Cancer Screenings Available in April 2023

Have you wondered about red or white patches in your mouth or possibly about an oral blister or lip sore that won’t heal?

Those are among the symptoms you can have checked at one of three free oral cancer screening events Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute will hold in April with LVHN dentists Michele Pisano-Marsh, DMD, Ammon Baus, DMD, and LVHN dental residents.

Don't ignore oral cancer signs

This year, more than 50,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer or oropharyngeal cancer (affecting back of mouth, including tonsils and pharynx area). In addition to red or white patches on the inside of your mouth or an oral blister, other symptoms of oral cancer or oropharyngeal cancer you should not ignore include:

  • Swallowing problems
  • Constant ear pain
  • Trouble chewing or moving your tongue
  • Voice changes
  • Loosened teeth
  • Chronic oral pain or numbness

Any of these could indicate a more serious condition that can be treated if identified early.

Oral cancer risk factors

Although anyone can develop oral cancer, men are more than twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women. Age also is a risk factor, with oral cancer occurring most often in people over age 40. Another important risk factor is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Other risk factors include:

  • Tobacco use – All forms of tobacco products increase your risk for oral cancer. This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco and snuff. The younger you are when you start using tobacco and the longer you’ve used it, the greater your risk.
  • Heavy alcohol use – Drinking two or more alcoholic drinks a day increases your risk for oral cancer.
  • Sun exposure – Extensive exposure to the sun increases your risk for lip cancer.
  • Poor diet – Research has suggested that not eating enough fruits and vegetables can increase the risk for oral and oropharyngeal cancers.
  • Chronic mouth irritation – Poorly fitted dentures or other problems that cause chronic irritation to the lining of the mouth may increase the risk for oral cancer.

Oral cancer screening dates

Screening for oral cancer is an easy and painless way to keep tabs on your oral health and to help improve outcomes by identifying cancer at an early stage. Colleagues and the public are invited to attend one of our free oral cancer screening events:


To schedule your free appointment or for more information, call 888-402-LVHN (5846) or visit:


Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute

Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute

Research happens at our health institute.

You have a partner in Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute. Simply put, cancer care at Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute gives you the best chances for good results.

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